Championing Compliance and Ethics

A content hub and weekly newsletter that supports Compliance and Ethics professionals to deliver optimal results in their difficult jobs

About the site and the mission

Welcome to Compliance and Ethics: Ideas & Answers.  This website and our growing weekly newsletter is dedicated to helping Compliance and Ethics professional navigate the complex industry and deliver success.  Our vision is below and by subscribing to our newsletter you can stay up to date on trends, insights and news from a range of experts in our field.

Our Mission:  To contribute to the compliance & ethics profession, to champion compliance & ethics professionals and to help them do their difficult jobs.

What we are: We are a weekly newsletter published on LinkedIn. We deal with all types of compliance & ethics issues and questions in all types of organizations, that arise anywhere in the world. This covers all industries, all compliance & ethics risks, and all the steps that make up a credible and effective compliance & ethics program.  We seek to reflect, celebrate and champion the broad and wonderful diversity of the global compliance & ethics community, including the diversity of people, cultures and thoughts.  Our newsletter serves as a platform to share different perspectives with a global audience. 

Public policy: We do not engage in politics. We do promote compliance & ethics in all contexts, including supporting government actions that promote and recognize effective compliance & ethics programs, and pushing to change those that undercut compliance & ethics efforts.   

Ask us about compliance:  We are open to receiving any questions about this field and will try to provide practical answers to questions we believe would be valuable for our readers.  We do not provide legal opinions, legal advice or interpretations of substantive law through this newsletter.

We speak as individuals: Each editor speaks for her or himself personally, and not for any organization with which they may be affiliated or for each other. 

Our contributors: We invite our board of contributing editors to submit pieces they may have relating to practical steps for compliance programs and ideas that affect our field.  We may also have guest editors on occasion.  We do not claim exclusive rights to our content, but only ask that our role as a source be credited.  Submissions must be in final, publishable form. 

Just call us this: Sorry, we do not have a cool acronym.  But for short form, “Ideas & Answers” is fine.

No submission deadlines: Because we publish weekly there is no submission deadline.  We do exercise editorial judgment on what is published.

Our Editors:  Adam Balfour, Jeff Kaplan, Joe Murphy & Rebecca Walker

How to reach us:
Adam – BalfourAdam@bfusa.comLinkedin
Jeff – / Linkedin
Joe – / Linkedin
Rebecca – / Linkedin

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